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Ram Bagh

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Ram Bagh in Agra

Babur describes the layout of a garden in Agra. Its site has not been definitely identified but is thought to be that of the much changed Ram Bagh in Agra. This would make it the oldest surviving Moghul garden. Agra developed as the main capital of the Mughal Empire and it was a city in which gardens lined both banks of the River Jamna. The present design of the Ram Bagh was by Jahangir's wife, Nur Jahan. The main buildings were placed on a terrace by the river, not in the middle of the char bagh.

Hsitory of Ram Bagh

Ram BaghThe Ram Bagh is said to have been constructed by Babur. It is commonly believed that when Babur died in 1530 his mortal remains were temporarily kept in Chaubureja a place close to Itimad-ud-Daulah tomb till these were taken for the final resting place at Kabul. The original name of the bagh was Aram Bagh, which was later corrupted to Ram Bagh under the Marathas, when they occupied Agra from 1775 to 1803 AD The first historical mention of this garden site as the Bagh-Nur-Afshan led some historians to believe that this name had been derived from a garden ( Bagh –Gul- Afshan or Nur Afshan ) in Kabul.

Architecture of Ram Bagh

The garden was in good maintenance under Jahangir as confirmed by Tazuk-I-Jahangiri. It gets additional Ram Baghsupport from the paintings and epigraphical evidences found in some of the remaining structures of this garden. Colossal walls enclose the garden with corner towers crowned by pillared pavilions. The garden is divided into quarters by stone paved pathways. On the north- eastern side of this building, there exists another terrace, from which steps leads to a Hammam. The rooms of the Hammam, now in ruins bear evidence of a vaulted one roof. Immediately north side of this garden, there is a row of ruined houses with a gateway, built of red sandstone at each end.

The layout of the garden complex is not on the formal Char Bagh pattern, but confirms rather to the pattern of Bagh- Hasht-Behisht. In the garden three levels have been maintained, one for flowers and vegetables, second for flower beds, with fine stone paved terraces and kiosk and the third one has structures, terraces and tanks.

Timings and Entry Tickets

Timings: It opens from Sunrise to Sunset.
Entrance Fee: Citizens of India and visitors of SAARC (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and Afghanistan) and BIMSTEC Countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar) - Rs. 5 per head.
For Others: US $ 2 or Indian Rs. 100/- per head(Free entry to children up to 15 years).


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